
~ Thank you for all you do for your children! ♡

》》 Important Studio Policies to Remember:

▪︎ Please plan to discuss scheduling issues two weeks in advance, and certainly before the end of the month, so as to facilitate on-time invoices being sent out to all families
▪︎ 24-hours notice is required, to receive makeup credit, when rescheduling or cancelling a lesson. Billing is done monthly, so any adjustments will be made at the end of each month.
▪︎ Regular Tuition billing: monthly lesson tuition is due, prior to that month's lessons. For example, one will pay for september, by the end of august. Please finalize all tuition payments by the 3rd of that month (as per previous example, the latest day to pay for september is sept. 3rd).
▪︎ If no payment for lessons is received by the 5th of the the month, and invoice was sent, you may be subject to a $10 late fee.
▪︎ 1 MONTH notice is required: for any pause or cessation of a student's regular reserved lesson slot - billed accordingly. For example, if you need to stop lessons for February, but notice after January 1, you will still be billed for February, and if any lesson credit is needed, Ms. Elfer will decide on a case by case basis, and nothing can be adjusted, until after February, to allow for time for Ms. Elfer to fill the reserved slot, and accommodate self-employed teacher's budget.
Ms. Elfer will do her best, in each case, to work with that family's needs, to find a solution, and there are many many options, so if an urgent situation ever arises, financially, please feel free to reach out with any questions.
▪︎ If Ms. Elfer must reschedule or cancel a lesson, that lesson is always owed to the student as a makeup, or credit for that lesson must be given, if it is not made up. Ms. Elfer is also a performer as well as teacher, so she will give as much notice as possible for any scheduling conflict.
▪︎ Disclaimer for ETA regarding At-Home Lessons:
If Ms. Elfer drives to students' homes, in this exceptional case, please allow for flexibility of start time, with traffic updates Ms. Elfer will provide, on the way to your house.  So, if you have scheduled a home lesson or a home makeup lesson, please allow some extra time, to ensure we get our full lesson time, in the event of unforseen traffic. This accounts for any unplanned traffic, car & instrument loading and maintenance, travel needs, and parent conferencing throughout the teachin day. Ms. Elfer does asks for this flexibility, in allowing the possibility for home lesson visits, and will provide an updated ETA, as applicable.